Lamothe and Laleau invited to the prosecution , their attorneys want explanations

Lamothe and Laleau invited to the prosecution , their attorneys want explanations

Après quelques jours de silence, le nouvel homme fort de la ville a encore fait parler de lui. Me Danton Léger invite au parquet de Port-au-Prince pour la semaine prochaine l’ancien Premier ministre Laurent Lamothe et l’ancien ministre des Finances, Wilson Laleau. Les lettres d’invitation sont privées de tout motif. Le commissaire du gouvernement a apporté des précisions au Nouvelliste.

” Mr. Wilson Laleau is invited to the prosecutor next Monday at 10:00 a.m. and Mr. Laurent Lamothe is also invited to the prosecution Tuesday at 10 am, ” said the Nouvelliste on Thursday the government commissioner in the capital reached by telephone. Danton Léger told me to want explanations from the former Minister of Economy and Finance of the Martelly administration on the use of funds PetroCaribe and the construction of stadiums.

At the same time, the chief prosecutors of Port-au-Prince wants to audition former Prime Minister also on the PetroCaribe funds and ” 5 billion gourdes ” unlocked after the hurricane Sandy.

For those who believe that it has neither the authority nor the capacity to summon former senior clerk of the State on their management, Mr. Danton Léger said “I am the head of the prosecution, it can happen there are ” uncle gwo head ” that are not punishable by before me, but I have put at the disposal of justice… “

There is no prohibition against starting Laurent Lamothe, he said, but the initial prohibition against Wilson Laleau is maintained, said Mr. Danton Léger.

Salim Succar me, one of the lawyers of Laurent Lamothe, told the Nouvelliste that the prosecutor’s invitation letter has no pattern. “We will write Friday morning at the Government Commissioner for clarification, has he announced. We have heard in the media that he would be the PetroCaribe. In this case, I am astonished that the government commissioner, a lawyer, a former legislator, could convene a former prime minister for such a record.”

According to Mr. Succar the Chief Public Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince knows that a prime minister as part of his duties is not amenable to the ordinary courts. Sections 186 and 188 of the Constitution provides for the impeachment procedure or instruction of a prime minister, he said.

For now, Mr. Salim Succar has wanted to make any interpretation of the decision of Mr. Danton Léger. ” We’re not going to speculate. We must first clarify this matter after we’ll know what to expect, “said he told the newspaper.

For his part, Me Reynold Georges, the lawyer for Wilson Laleau confirmed Nouvelliste that he had received in his office the invitation of the parquet to his client. “This is political persecution, understands Georges. The government commissioner has no jurisdiction to hear my client management as there is not a debit balance of judgment of the Court of Auditors.”

Regarding the departure prohibition which is the subject Laleau the former minister, Mr. Reynold Georges said the Government Commissioner has neither the right nor the authority to take such a decision. According to him, there is no legislation which gives this power to the Director of Public Prosecutions. “This is an arbitrary act which violates not only the Pact of San José human rights in Article 22, but also an act that violates the Haitian Constitution in Articles 24 and following” denounced the lawyer.

Reynold Georges was not able to say Thursday night Nouvelliste if his client will respond to the invitation prosecutors Monday.

It should be recalled that in 2011, the then Prime Minister Jean- Max Bellerive had revoked the Government Commissioner Sonel Jean -François for convening the Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities, Paul Antoine Bien -Aimé. “In deciding to convene the Minister of Interior and Territorial Communities, Paul Antoine Bien -Aimé, for acts performed in the exercise of its functions, you deliberately committed a serious violation of Article 186, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, such jurisdiction back to the chamber of deputies, “according to the letter of revocation.

Moreover, the Chief Public Prosecutor of Port-au-Prince told the newspaper that keeps the detaining order issued against the eldest son of President Martelly, Olivier Martelly, against businessmen Marc Antoine Acra and Fritz Mevs against the former general manager of BMPAD Eustace St Lot. Only the departure prohibition against former DG of the NPC, Alix Célestin was lifted, he has said.

Marc Antoine Acra had made an application for interim measures and the court of the Dean gave him a release and raising his departure prohibition. ” I appealed and the appeal is suspensive, so Marc Antoine Acra is still the subject of a departure prohibition… ,” stated the Chief Public Prosecutor of the capital.